Minutes of January 8, 2009 Meeting



ATTENDANCE:    Total 31;   Members 22; Guests 9



President Gary Derman opened the meeting at 7:30pm at the DY High School Library


Tom Leach, Program Director, introduced the guest speaker, Dr. John Huth, Physics Professor, Harvard University.




Dr. Huth presented a summary of his Harvard lecture series on Primitive Navigation. His discussion focused on four areas:

-          Basic Motion of Stars and the Sun

-          Polynesian and Micronesian Techniques

-          Viking Techniques

-          Modern “Primitive Navigation”


His core premise is that early techniques were quite effective in using available phenomena such as rising and setting of stars, ocean waves, bird migrations, winds, etc. to establish and maintain headings while at sea. Many of these techniques have been verified through follow-up studies.




President Derman presented the CCAS Annual Service Award to Jon Greenberg for his education of students (160) on Observational Astronomy for Beginners. Mr. Greenberg also raised $8000.00 in this effort.




Secretary Stanley Rivers gave a brief summary of the minutes of the December meeting and advised that the Executive Committee had agreed to publish meeting minutes in a manner to be determined prior to our next meeting. We will no longer read the minutes but will simply ask for additions and/or corrections.


Treasurer Kelvin Parkinson reported a balance of $1444.58 in the CCAS account.


Mike Hunter, WSO Director, presented an update on our observatory’s Meade LX-200GPS Schmidt-Cassegrain 16 inch telescope upgrade with primary input from Werner Schmidt. The telescope has been packed and is ready for shipment to Tijuana, Mexico for repairs. The scope should be back on site by March 1, 2009 with three weeks needed for reinstallation. Mike indicated the 8 inch telescope will be ready by January 24  in place of the 16 inch scope for temporary use. The next observation session will be January 24, weather permitting. We also have a 13 inch Dobson on loan from Peter Kurtz by way of Jon Greenberg.


The membership approved a change to the by-laws that gives appointed members to the executive board the same voting rights as CCAS officers except in the appointment of members to the board.





Vice President Tom Leach distributed the new poster for the International Year of Astronomy. He requested wide distribution by club members. Dr, Huth, our speaker, volunteered to find out what the Center for Astrophysics (CFA) is planning for IYA activities.


A brief discussion ensued regarding the media support the CCAS enjoys now and the need to continue to solicit this support.


Gary Derman mentioned a need to establish a three person committee to provide a slate for next year’s CCAS leadership.



The meeting adjourned at 9:45pm


Submitted by Stanley Rivers