Minutes of February 5, 2009 Meeting



ATTENDANCE:    Total 22;   Members 18;   Guests 4


President Gary Derman opened the meeting at 7:30pm at the Station Avenue Elementary School Library


Gary introduced Mike Hunter, Observatory Director, who led a discussion on telescope making.




Mike’s presentation covered the basics of building an 8 inch Newtonian telescope using readily available construction materials. He focused on three projects as teaching tools. First, was a very stable telescope support platform made from high-grade plywood that raises the level of a telescope to a convenient viewing height.  The next illustration was German Equatorial Mount made from 1.5 inch malleable iron pipe sections. Mike was quite informative on the techniques for ensuring smooth mating of threaded joints for declination and ascension movements as well as establishing a low cost mounting platform. Third, Mike highlighted the assembly of a Mirror Cell. Starting with a commercial mirror, he explained how to set the mirror in its mount without generating distortion from clamps. He completed his presentation on how to bring all the parts together in a working telescope. Much discussion ensued.




Treasurer Kelvin Parkinson reported a balance of $1367.83 in the CCAS account.




Gary inquired whether members get discounts for Sky and Telescope and Astronomy magazine subscriptions. It was agreed discounts are available upon request.


Observatory Report:


Bernie Young and Ed Swiniarski reported they have made some progress in getting the 18” Dobson on-line. Some electronics problems are being worked out.


Werner Schmidt stated that the observatory’s Meade 16” LX-200GPS telescope is likely still in transit to the repair station. He indicated that Meade’s financial situation may jeopardize our repair contract. The situation is being monitored. He also said the GPS satellite antenna was damaged by snow.


Gary again requested ideas for International Year of Astronomy activities. He stated a planning meeting will be held at Peter Kurtz’s home on February 11, 2009 at 7:00pm by the Executive board and interested parties.


Mike Hunter is working on another radio interview on CCAS activities with WCAI, 90.1FM for airing on March 2, 2009.


Gary stated the Nominating Committee for Executive Board positions is composed of Mike Hunter (Chairman), Gary Derman and Jon Greenberg.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:45pm.


Submitted by Stanley Rivers, Secretary